
BASIC ICT SKILLS - I (Question & Answers)

BASIC ICT SKILLS-I Short Answer Questions-I 1. What do you understand by ICI? Ans, ICT is known as Information and Communications Technology which emphasizes on imparting knowledge in the field of education.  2. What are the different types of ICT tools? Ans. Some commonly used ICT tools are mobile, tablet, radio, television and email. These tools help in the communication and broadcasting of information. 3. What is an input device? Ans. A device that lets you enter data or instructions in a computer is known as an input device. For example, you enter text in a document using a keyboard. 4. What is an output device? Ans. An output device is an electronic equipment that is connected to a computer and is used to communicate results of the processed data to the user. Monitor of the most common output devices. 5. What are storage devices in a computer? Ans. The devices that are used to store data are known as storage devices. For example, hard disk and CD are


INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Chandrakant Nanda Introduction Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can be regarded as the extension of IT as it involves the integration of IT with media transmission and broadcasting technologies. In the past few decades, Information Technology (IT) has brought a revolution in the computing and communication fields.  Today, thanks to the Internet, you can send or receive information almost about any topic in just a few seconds from any corner of the world.  The Internet also allows you to communicate with a person or a group of people simultaneously in a real-time environment.  Innovations in the IT field have affected many areas of our daily life, such as education, entertainment and health.  The revolution in the IT sector has also created many new careers in the field of software and engineering.  However, despite its numerous advantages, the IT sector poses serious problems in the form of ethical and other issues


Information Technology (IT) is playing a crucial role in the society. It has transformed the whole world into a global village with a global economy. As technology has advanced, the way in which privacy is protected and violated, has also changed. Several positive and some negative social implications of IT could be farreaching. IT has already had many direct beneficial effects on society, being used for complicated human and social problems such as medical diagnosis, computer assisted instruction, government program planning, environmental quality control and law enforcement. In this chapter, we will discuss various threats and ethical issues related to IT and their impact on our society in general. MALWARE: MAJOR ETHICAL ISSUES Malware stands for Malicious Software. It is a broad term that refers to a variety of malicious programs that are used to damage computer system, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. Malware is an unwanted software