1.     A character style impacts __________

        (a) current paragraph    (b) current page    (c) selected characters    (d) all of these

2.     How can you know the name of the style of current paragraph ?

        (a) through the status bar                (b) through the style box 

        (c) mthrugh the find box                 (d) All of these

3.      Can styles be loaded from a file?

        (a) Yes                (b) No

4.  Paragraph styles impact a full paragraph.

5. Character styles impact only the selected characters of a paragraph.

6. Page styles impact the structure of the document.

7.    A named collection of various formatting features is known as a 

        (a) Group        (b) Format Group         (c) Outlook         (d) Style 

8.    When you apply a _____________ you apply a group of formatting effects together in one single step

        (a) Effect                        (b) Style                 (c) Template         (d) Format

9.    Which of the following are not a legal type of styles in Writer ?

        (a) Paragraph style        (b) Line style        (c) Page style             (d) List style 

10.    Character styles affect a ___________

        (a) Whole paragraph croup of characters         (b) whole page

        (c) group of characters                                      (d) group of lines 

11.    Page styles affect a _____________

         (a) Whole paragraph croup of characters         (b) whole page

        (d) group of characters                                      (d) group of lines 

12.    Paragraph styles affect a ____________

         (a) Whole paragraph                                        (b) whole page

        (d) group of characters                                      (d) group of lines 

13.    ________ styles in a text document affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font and size of text, or bold and italic formats. k 

        (a) Cell                (b) Pragraph                (c) Formatting            (d) Character 

14.    The styles created to affect numbered lists and bulleted lists are  ___________ styles.

        (a) Frame styles           (b) List Styles            (c) Paragraph styles        (d) Character Styles

15.    _________  feature allows you to apply a style to many different areas quickly without having to go back to styles and formatting window.

            (a) Load style             (b) Fill Format            (c) Fill style                (d) Drag and Drop

16.   ________ style will not affect the text in the document.

        (a) List style                     (b) Paragraph style             (c) Frame style         (d) Page style

17.    Priisha is a book editor. She wants to change the indentation of all paragraphs, and change the font all titles in the book. Which feature she should use to make the task easy 

        (a) Styles            (b) Templates                    (c) Table of content                (d) Consolidating, 

18. Ahan is learning word processing. He has practiced a lot and now can create beautiful looking, well-formatted documents. Recently, after creating a document, he feels that a block of text inside some paragraphs should be given a differernt formatting. Without affecting the formatting of the rest of the paragraph. Which type of style should Ahan create for this purpose ?

           (a) Paragraph Style        (b) Character Style        (c) Frame Style        (d) List Style

19    Aman has been given a task to type and format the annual report of their student club. He has been working diligently for this and has come up with the first draft of the report, which looks neat and impressive. Aman, however, feels that two paragraphs of page 6 should have the same formatting as the first paragraph of page 5. What should Milan do to achieve this without having to create a new style? 

        (a) Create a new document and paste two paragraphs in it; apply formatting and paste back in the                 original document.

        (b) Select the paragraph one by one and apply each formatting feature on them.

        (c) Use the fill format feature.

        (d) None of these

20.    Format menu contains image related options.

21.    Wrap option controls the flow of text around an image. 

22.    Crop removes a part of an image starting from an edge.

23.    Group combines multiple images/drawing objects in a way that they behave like one object. 

24.    To resize an image, you can drag from a rectangle on the edge of a selected image, known as sizing handles.

25.    Which of the following will not qualify as drawing objects ?

        (a) Autoshapes        (b) Curves            (c) Text Art            (d) All of these    (e) None of these

26.    Which toolbar has commands to work with drawing objects ?

        (a) 3D settings             (b) Drawing             (c) Font Work             (d) Standard 

27.    To change the line style or fill style of a drawing object, you can use command  _________

        (a) Format --> Line/Fill                             (b)Format --> Style

        (c) Format ---> Object -> Line/Area         (d) All of these             (e) None of these 

28. Which of the following is not considered a property of a drawing object?

        (a) Brightness            (b) Color                (c) Width                (d) Weight 

29.    Removing unwanted area from an image is known as ___________ of an image.

                (a) Tiling            (b) Redrawing                (c) Deleting                (d) Cropping 

30.  To repeat the graphic across the entire background area, we need to select ___________ option in word  processor.

            (a) Tile                    (b) Position                    (c) Stretch                (d) Area 

31.    __________ is particularly useful when creating a watermark or when wrapping the image in the background in a document.

            (a) Transparency                (b) Fill                (c) Filters                (d) Crop 

32.    Controlling the flow of text around an image is called _____________

            (a) Text settings            (b) Wrap settings            (c) Text wrap        (d) Image Text settings 

33.    Which of the following does not affect the Positioning of an image in a document ?

        (a) Text wrapping            (b) Anchoring                    (c) Alignment        (d) Color mode 

34.    In a document, _____________ refers to the vertical or horizontal placement of a graphic in relation to the choosen anchor point.

            (a) Arrangement            (b) Anchoring                (c) Alignment            (d) Text Wrapping 

35.    What best describes a mail-merge?

            (a) Main document merged with a webpage

            (b) Main document merged with a data source

            (c) Main document merged with a online form

            (d) All of these

36.    In Writer, the Mail merge wizard can be started through ________ menu.

            (a) Insert            (b) Format            (c) Tools            (d) View

37.    You want to send a revised product list to all the customers. The customers' data is stored in a worksheet. This worksheet represents a ________

            (a) Main document            (b) Data source            (c) Merged document        (d) Merge fields

38.    You want to send a revised product list to all the customers. The revised product list represents a ________

            (a) Main document            (b) Data source            (c) Merged document        (d) Merge fields

39.    You want to send a revised product list to all the customers. The customers' data is stored in a worksheet. This  letter/list received by the customers is the ___________
            (a) Main document            (b) Data source            (c) Merged document        (d) Merge fields
40.    Mark the most appropriate option statement : Mail merge can be used to print _________
            (a) the form letters               (b) the form letters and mailing labels.
            (c) Envelopes                       (d) All of the above.


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