
Unit-II : Computer Networks (Class XII)

  CHAPTER-8 COMPUTER NETWORKS 8.1 Evolution of Networking: 8.1.1 Introduction to Computer Networks: Network: - To connect the more than one devices via a medium, is called network. Why do we need network? 1.      Fast and Secure Communication 2.      Resource sharing 3.      Reduce Cost 8.1.2 Evolution of Network: ARPANET: The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ( ARPANET ) was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP. Both technologies became the technical foundation of the Internet. NSFNET:  §   The N ational S cience F oundation Net work (NSFNET) was a program created and funded by the National Science Foundation to coordinate and promote advanced research and education in networking in the United States.  §   NSFNET was founded in 1985. NSFNET was a general purpose research network wherein the connection is not limited to the super computer centers, it was to serve as a backbone connectio